Friday, February 5, 2010


The Swedish government appears to have no problem allowing the construction of mosques financed by Saudi Arabia, but has kicked Iraqi Christians out of the country illegally. An Assyrian news agency reports that "25 Assyrian persons and families were forcibly returned to Iraq. Upon their arrival at Baghdad airport, no arrangements were made to safely transport them to their final destinations. With the threat of kidnapping very high, nearly all stayed at the airport, only to be helped by Assyrians working at the airport, who realized the returnees were Assyrian. Of the 25 who were returned, 24 fled the country again, and one was given refugee status by UNHCR in Ankara, which has acknowledged that it is not safe for Assyrians and other Christians in Iraq." An investigation of the reports in Sweden by a radio station has created political problems for the leftist government. Read more

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